Sapa’s weather in November
The daily average temperature for Sapa in November is around 14 °C, which is very much on the lower side. With an average of 56mm precipitation during the month, November is one of the most highly recommended periods to visit Sapa for those who want a more laid-back natural and rejuvenating trip. With the highest temperature of about 17 degree centigrade, not a prolonged period but four hours of sunshine daily, less rain, the drier and milder weather, November is such a good time to comfortably participate in a lot of adventurous outdoor activities such as walking or cycling or trying out trekking. Therefore, it is not surprising to meet so many other travelers when you visit Sapa in November, which is a delight to admire.
Trekking in November – a stunning experience to remember in Sapa
Offering easy trek, medium trek and hard trek, trekking, which is one of the most popular and amazing sports in Sapa, can meet the desires of all kinds of backpackers no matter what they are looking for: a basic understanding of Sapa and the simple daily life of local residents on easy trekking routes; spectacular views along the way or a chance to challenge themselves on these hard ones. North Vietnam tours
Muong Hoa Valley-easy trekking route
Just 10 km to the southeast of Sapa town, Muong Hoa has the most appealing trekking route in Sapa where you can admire the masterpieces of nature with an enormous terraced field recognized as Vietnam’s largest terraced fields by the Vietnam Guinness Book dotted with multi-shape rocks. A hike to Muong Hoa valley is a chance to visit the small and isolated hamlets and villages of weaving and dyeing cloth of the Hmong, to take photos of breathtaking landscapes with the terrain of mountains and green of forests and local daily activities.
Cat Cat Village – a destination on medium trekking route
Located about 3 km southwest of town, Cat Cat village, an old village of Black H’mong people near the bottom of the deep valley right at the foot of Fansipan Peak, is the most popular destination on a medium trekking route. Cat Cat Village impresses trekkers by the image of young women sitting by looms with colorful pieces of brocade decorated with designs of flowers and birds; the peacefully picturesque sceneries; a big waterfall on the stream and the old Hydro Electric Power Station built by the French here.
Mount Fansipan – the most challenging route
The most challenging trekking route in Sapa is undoubtedly the Mount Fansipan – the highest mountain in Vietnam as well as the rooftop of Indochina. To conquer Fansipan – the dream of any trekking lovers, you have to spare at least 3 days though the distance from Sapa town is only 9km. In addition, to safely complete the hike to the top, it is wise to hire an experienced guide, who has good knowledge of Sapa town and especially this exhilarating route. Even though this top is accessible all year round, November, when you can get the foggy panoramic view of Vietnam at its best while immersing in the cool and fresh air, is suitable time to go. The most challenging route in Sapa will not let you down.
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Asia Travel Lover